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How Many Cigarettes Is Equal To An Upends Mini 800?

I am considering switching from smoking to vaping and am interested in purchasing an Upends Mini 800 to try it out. However, I am unsure how to calculate the equivalence between cigarettes and vapes. Can you provide me with a rough estimation to help me budget?
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VapePenZone NZ is a New Zealand online store offering the latest e-cigarette trends and answers to all kinds of questions for vapers.

An Upends Mini 800 puff roughly equals 50 – 80 cigarettes, as each cigarette offers approximately 10 – 15 puffs according to feedback from most vapers.

However, the exact number of this equivalence varies depending on vaping habits. Vapers who prefer deep inhales while vaping may enjoy fewer puffs, resulting in a lower cigarette equivalency.

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