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How To Make Vape Juice?

I was wondering if there's any recipe on how to make vape juice. I saw many comments saying that only have to mix needed ingredients. Is it that simple?

VapePenZone NZ is a New Zealand online store offering the latest e-cigarette trends and answers to all kinds of questions for vapers.

If you want to get the satisfying vaping flavour, there’s a brief step-by-step guide that tells you how to make a vape juice below:

  1. Prepare the equipment(bottles, measuring containers or tools, syringes, gloves).
  2. Gather ingredients(nicotine, PG and VG base liquid, vape juice flavour concentrates).
  3. Determine nicotine strength. You can figure out with a vape juice calculator online and insert the intended volume, the nicotine strength, the VG/PG ratio, etc.
  4. Wear gloves and use syringes to extract exact PG and VG amounts, add them to the container and mix.
  5. Add flavour concentrates. The common dilution level would be 5%-20% of the vape juice.
  6. Add nicotine. Ususally it’s diffficult to get, maybe you could find diluted nicotine.
  7. Mix them together and stir in the container.
  8. Bottle, seal up and shake enough.
  9. Wait and steep vape juice. Then you get your own vape juice.

Making vape juice could be at risk of safety, please be careful during the process.

#How to make vape juice with nicotine#How to make vape juice without pg or vg

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