First time with a RELX vape so I don’t know how to tell if my RELX is defective. Does anyone know anything about it, please?

First time with a RELX vape so I don’t know how to tell if my RELX is defective. Does anyone know anything about it, please?
My RELX has no smoke, does anyone know how to fix this situation?
I just got my new rechargeable vape from NZ, but it tastes burnt after a few days. Any NZ vapers know why it’s burnt, and should I replace any parts?
I charged my Inmood Switch Vape but it’s not responding, what’s going on?
Why is my Inmood 10K Vape not working? What is the most likely reason? Can I fix it?
I recently picked up a new and very popular Inmood 10K Vape, but I don’t know how to open it, anyone help me?
My Inmood Switch Vape seems to be dead after a few days of use, how do I charge it properly?
Recently I’m going to New Zealand for my vacation and I want to bring my vape with me? I don’t know any laws in NZ, can someone tell me if I can do it?
My Relx vape isn’t working, does anyone know what might be the reason?
Family, my RELX vape keeps blinking the LED while charging. How can I tell when it’s fully charged?