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Why Is My Vuse Pod Spitting?

I bought a Vuse kit when I was shopping with my friend, but I've noticed that it is spitting when I replace the second pod. My friend told me that his pod was fine. Can you tell me the exact cause of the Vuse pod spitting?
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VapePenZone NZ is a New Zealand online store offering the latest e-cigarette trends and answers to all kinds of questions for vapers.

Taking the Vuse ePod pod as an example, Vuse pod spitting may usually result from deep inhaling or frequent puffing, which draws more e-liquid around the coil.

These e-liquids may block in the coil and fail to be vaporized totally in a short time, causing bubbles or pops that can hit the pod tank or your mouth while vaping.

If you encounter the Vuse pod spitting, please don’t worry since it is a common problem. Just hit the pod lightly or slow down your vaping frequency can quickly get it solved.

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