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What Is The Best Capsule Vape?

What Is The Best Capsule Vape?

I’ve been vaping for about 10 years, but I am new to capsule vapes. Can anyone recommend the best for me? Thank everyone for your input.

Is It A Sin To Vape?

Is It A Sin To Vape?

I can go a day without vape and then I get bored and go back to it. I want to stop vaping, but vaping doesn’t seem to be harmful to my health. But I’m not sure, is it a sin to vape?

Why Is My Caliburn G2 Liquid Turning Brown

Why Is My Caliburn G2 Liquid Turning Brown?

My Caliburn G2 vape reduced in vapour and I checked the e-liquid tank and found it was turning brown. Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with it?

What Is My First Vape

What Is My First Vape?

As a new vaper, I want an easier vaping but don’t know how to choose one to start with. Can any experienced vaper tell me what is my first vape to choose?

Are Caliburn G2 Coils Replaceable

Are Caliburn G2 Coils Replaceable?

I’ve been using the Uwell Caliburn GK2 and find a spare coil in its package. I wonder if the Caliburn G2 coils are replaceable?

How Long Does Uwell Caliburn G2 Coil Last

How Long Does Uwell Caliburn G2 Coil Last?

I bought a new Uwell Caliburn G2 and found out it comes with a spare coil, I was wondering how long the pre-installed coil will last before I replace the spare one?

How To Unlock Uwell Caliburn X

How To Unlock Uwell Caliburn X?

I just got a new Uwell Caliburn X Vape and it seems to be locked! I’ve been working on it for days with no progress. Does anyone know how to unlock it so I can start using it?

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